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Tutorial: Hello World

In this section, we'll learn how to author our first Wave program from scratch, and understand the basics of how to display content in a web browser.


These tutorials assume that you have some familiarity with the Python programming language. You don't have to be an expert, but it might be harder to learn both Wave and Python at the same time.

Step 1: Start the Wave server

Download the most recent version .tar.gz file for your operating system, and extract (unzip) it to a directory of your choice. Once done, open a terminal, cd into the extracted dir and start the Wave server.

2020/10/27 16:16:34 # 
2020/10/27 16:16:34 # ┌─────────────────────────┐
2020/10/27 16:16:34 # │ ┌ ┌ ┌──┐ ┌ ┌ ┌──┐ │ H2O Wave
2020/10/27 16:16:34 # │ │ ┌──┘ │──│ │ │ └┐ │ (version) (build)
2020/10/27 16:16:34 # │ └─┘ ┘ ┘ └──┘ └─┘ │ © 2020, Inc.
2020/10/27 16:16:34 # └─────────────────────────┘
2020/10/27 16:16:34 #
2020/10/27 16:16:34 # {"address":":10101","t":"listen","webroot":"/home/elp/wave/www"}

The Wave server should now be running at http://localhost:10101.

Don't close this terminal window!

To run any Wave app or script, you need the Wave server up and running at all times. Your web browser communicates with the Wave server, and the Wave server in turn communicates with the Wave app.

Apps can start Wave server automatically via wave run command. So this step is only necessary for Wave scripts.

Step 2: Set up a working directory

Next, let's set up a working directory to author our program. Create a new directory and open it in a terminal.

Set up a virtual environment

A virtual environment helps us manage our program's dependencies without interfering with system-wide packages.

python3 -m venv venv
source venv/bin/activate

Install the Wave Python driver

pip install h2o-wave

Step 3: Write your program

Next, open your preferred text editor, create a Python script called, and copy-paste the following.

For now, don't worry too much about what this program is doing. We'll get to that shortly.
from h2o_wave import site, ui

# Grab a reference to the page at route '/hello'
page = site['/hello']

# Add a markdown card to the page.
page['quote'] = ui.markdown_card(
box='1 1 2 2',
title='Hello World',
content='"The Internet? Is that thing still around?" - *Homer Simpson*',

# Finally, save the page.

Step 4: Run your program


Step 5: Admire your creation

Point your browser to http://localhost:10101/hello, and pause to reflect on a particularly pithy quote from the venerable Homer Simpson.

Hello World 1

Step 6: Understand your program

Let's walk through this program step by step.

This program (technically a script), illustrates the core of Wave's programming model, or, "How to think in Wave."

  1. Your Wave server instance holds a collection of pages.
  2. To change a page, simply grab a reference to a page, change it, and save it.

That's it. Your changes are now visible to everyone.

Let's understand this principle in practice using the little program we just created.

Grab a reference to a page

A site represents a dictionary of all the pages on the Wave server. To get a reference to a page hosted at the route /hello (which translates to http://localhost:10101/hello), simply grab the value at key /hello.

page = site['/hello']

Change the page

Similar to how a site represents a collection of pages, a page represents a collection of cards. A card represents a block of content: text, graphics, widgets, or some combination of those.

page['quote'] = ui.markdown_card(
box='1 1 2 2',
title='Hello World',
content='"The Internet? Is that thing still around?" - *Homer Simpson*',

Pages support different kinds of cards. In this case, we add a card named quote that displays markdown content (markdown_card()). The position and size of the card on the page is specified by the box attribute. In this case, the card is placed at column 1, row 1, sized 2 x 2 units. The content attribute supports Github Flavored Markdown.

Save the page

Finally, we call save() on the page, which broadcasts our changes to all connected web browsers.

Hello World 1

So far, so good.

Step 7: Edit your page from a REPL

Finally, just for kicks, let's make some changes to our hello world page using a Python REPL and watch our page reflect those changes in realtime.

Start a Python REPL

cd $HOME/wave-apps

Grab a reference to our page

from h2o_wave import site
page = site['/hello']

Grab a reference to our card

quote = page['quote']

Change the title

quote.title = 'Hello Again!'

Hello World 2

Change the content

quote.content = "D'oh! - *Homer Simpson*"

Hello World 3

Quit your REPL



What we just did - add content from one program and make edits to it from another - illustrates another important aspect of Wave's programming model: The Wave server retains content. Your program did its thing and exited. So did your REPL. But your content was retained for the viewing pleasure of future visitors to /hello.

Next, we'll take the principles we learned from this tutorial and apply it towards a supposedly spirited folk song involving arithmetic progressions.