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Some cards in the Wave SDK support data-binding expressions, a mini language that allows computing a card's attribute from the card's data.


A card's attribute can be set directly when created:

card = page.add(f'donut', ui.small_stat_card(
box='1 1 2 2',

The attribute can be updated later using:

card.value = '3.49'

The above approach works fine, but sometimes it's prudent to separate the data (what is displayed) from the presentation (how it is displayed). This is especially important if you care about internationalization and displaying language-sensitive number, date, and time formatting.

The above example can be rewritten by pulling the donut price out into data, and pointing the value to the data using an expression:

card = page.add(f'donut', ui.small_stat_card(
box='1 1 2 2',
value='=${{intl price minimum_fraction_digits=2 maximum_fraction_digits=2}}',

The attribute can be update later using: = 3.49


Data-binding expressions are indicated with a leading = (similar to spreadsheet formulae). For example, '={{price}}' is an expression, but '{{price}}' is not.

Placeholders are enclosed between {{ and }}. The placeholder price in ={{price}} points to data.price. If data.price is 2.99:

  • ={{price}} translates to 2.99.
  • =${{price}} translates to $2.99.
  • =Donuts cost ${{price}} translates to Donuts cost $2.99.

An expression can have multiple placeholders. For example, ={{product}} costs {{price}}

If an expression has a placeholder and nothing else, the {{ and }} can be elided. For example, =price is shorthand for ={{price}}.

Functions can be applied to placeholders using the general form {{function_name placeholder param1=arg1 param2=arg2 ...}}. For example {{intl price minimum_fraction_digits=2 maximum_fraction_digits=2}} applies the formatting function intl to price with arguments minimum_fraction_digits=2 and maximum_fraction_digits=2.


Expressions currently support only one function, intl, which provides language-sensitive number, date, and time formatting using the ECMAScript Internationalization API.


Options in the Internationalization API are camelCased, but you can use both camelCased and snake_cased options in data-binding expressions. For example, both maximum_fraction_digits and maximumFractionDigits are valid.

Formatting numbers

ParamAvailable values
style'decimal' | 'percent' | 'currency' | 'unit'
currencyISO 4217 currency codes
unitAvailable units
unitDisplay'long' | 'short' | 'narrow'
currencySign'standard' | 'accounting'
currencyDisplay'symbol' | 'code' | 'name' | 'narrowSymbol'
notation'standard' | 'scientific' | 'engineering' | 'compact'
compactDisplay'short' | 'long'
signDisplay'auto' | 'always' | 'never' | 'exceptZero'
useGroupingtrue | false
numberingSystemAvailable numbering systems

Formatting date

ParamAvailable values
hour12true | false
weekday'long' | 'short' | 'narrow'
era'long' | 'short' | 'narrow'
year'numeric' | '2-digit' | 'long' | 'short' | 'narrow'
month'numeric' | '2-digit' | 'long' | 'short' | 'narrow'
day'numeric' | '2-digit'
hour'numeric' | '2-digit'
minute'numeric' | '2-digit'
second'numeric' | '2-digit'
timeZoneName'long' | 'short' | 'shortOffset' | 'longOffset' | 'shortGeneric' | 'longGeneric'
hourCycle'h11' | 'h12' | 'h23' | 'h24'
dateStyle'full' | 'long' | 'medium' | 'short'
timeStyle'full' | 'long' | 'medium' | 'short'
numberingSystemAvailable numbering systems
calendarAvailable calendars
formatMatcher"basic" | "best fit" | "best fit"
dayPeriod"narrow" | "short" | "long"
fractionalSecondDigits0 | 1 | 2 | 3

See the official spec for more info.