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Use buttons to handle user interactions in forms that should result in app view changes, task completions or routing. Also think about the correct button state, type and even cosmetic things like icons.

The name attribute indicates how to reference this component in the query arguments: q.args.<name-attr>.

You can see the API for ui.button or check the interactive example in the Tour app.

Basic button

button-0['form'] = ui.form_card(box='1 1 1 1', items=[
ui.button(name='button', label='Button')

Primary button

Use a primary button to indicate the most critical action in a form to let the user continue the app flow you prepared. Also, note that there should always be at most one primary button shown on a page as it indicates higher priority for a click. If there is a need for multiple buttons with the same priority, it's better to make none of them primary and go with regular buttons.

button-1['form'] = ui.form_card(box='1 1 1 1', items=[
ui.button(name='button', label='Button', primary=True)

With description

The best thing to do when picking a button text is to keep it concise and clear on what the button is going to do. Preferably a single word. However, there might be cases, where an extra description can be of help. Using the caption attribute adds secondary text to a button.

button-2['form'] = ui.form_card(box='1 1 2 2', items=[
ui.button(name='button', label='Button', caption='Extra description here')

With icon

To reinforce the information a button holds, an icon can be used.

button-3['form'] = ui.form_card(box='1 1 2 1', items=[
ui.button(name='button', label='Button', icon='Heart')

For cases when the button doesn't need text and a single icon is sufficient, don't specify label attr. It is highly recommended to include caption for a tooltip with extra info.

button-4['form'] = ui.form_card(box='1 1 1 1', items=[
ui.button(name='button', icon='Heart', caption='Tooltip on hover')

You can also use the icon only button as a primary button.

button-5['form'] = ui.form_card(box='1 1 1 1', items=[
ui.button(name='button', icon='ChevronRight', caption='Tooltip on hover', primary=True)

Button layout

Buttons on their own can only be placed in a form_card, either vertically or horizontally. The default alignment is vertical and requires nothing special:

button-6['form'] = ui.form_card(box='1 1 1 2', items=[
ui.button(name='button', label='Button 1'),
ui.button(name='button', label='Button 2')

On the other hand, horizontal alignment requires wrapping the buttons in ui.buttons component:

button-7['form'] = ui.form_card(box='1 1 3 1', items=[
ui.buttons(justify='end', items=[
ui.button(name='button', label='Button 1'),
ui.button(name='button', label='Button 2')

Achieving this is also possible via ui.inline, but is meant for form items in general. The recommended way for buttons is using ui.buttons.

button-8['form'] = ui.form_card(box='1 1 3 1', items=[
ui.inline(justify='end', items=[
ui.button(name='button', label='Button 1'),
ui.button(name='button', label='Button 2')

Query arguments

By default, clicking a button results in submitting q.args.<button-name-attr> with a value of True. This, however, might not suit all the cases. Use the value attribute to submit a specific value for q.args.<button-name-attr>.

Disabled button

Use a disabled button for cases when clicking should not be allowed, based on the current app state. A typical example might be a user who didn't fill all the form fields yet and is not allowed to proceed. Disabled buttons have all interactions disabled (click, hover etc.).

button-9['form'] = ui.form_card(box='1 1 1 1', items=[
ui.button(name='button', label='Button', disabled=True)

With path

Use a path attribute when you want your button to redirect to internal or external hyperlink.

  • Internal hyperlinks have paths that begin with a / and point to URLs within the Wave UI
  • All other kinds of paths are treated as external hyperlinks (e.g.

button-10['form'] = ui.form_card(box='1 1 1 1', items=[
ui.button(name='external_path_button', label='External', path='')

With actions

The commands attribute can provide other relevant actions for the button that are displayed inside of a context menu. See ui.command API for available options.

button-11['form'] = ui.form_card(box='1 1 2 1', items=[
ui.button(name='command_button', label='Button with commands', commands=[
ui.command(name='first_command', label='First command'),
ui.command(name='other_commands', label='Other commands', items=[
ui.command(name='second_command', label='Second command'),
ui.command(name='third_command', label='Third command'),