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Copyable Text

Do you have a text that your users need to copy-paste? Use ui.copyable_text that provides a copy to clipboard button for convenient copy-pasting when hovering over the container box.

Check the full API at ui.copyable_text.

Basic copyable text

copyable_text-0['form'] = ui.form_card(
box='1 1 2 2',
items=[ui.copyable_text(label='Copyable text', value='Hello world!')]

Multiline copyable text

If you need to display longer content, use the multiline attribute.


multiline_content = '''Wave is truly awesome.
You should try all the features!'''['form'] = ui.form_card(
box='1 1 2 2',
items=[ui.copyable_text(label='Copyable text', value=multiline_content, multiline=True)]

Height of copyable text

If you want to adjust the height of the copyable textbox, set the height attribute to your desired height in pixels (e.g. '200px') or use 1 to fill the remaining card space. The height will only take effect if multiline is set to True.


multiline_content = '''Wave is truly awesome.
You should try all the features!
Like having a big textbox!'''['form'] = ui.form_card(
box='1 1 2 8',
ui.copyable_text(label='Copyable text', value=multiline_content, multiline=True, height='200px'),
ui.copyable_text(label='Copyable text', value=multiline_content, multiline=True, height='1')