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Similar to checkbox, this control is used when your user needs to decide between 2 mutually exclusive options (like toggling something on or off). The difference is that toggles should be used when the user expects instant change, e.g. app theme change. In other words, use them for actions that take immediate effect. Checkboxes on the other hand usually require a submit button press, e.g. filling a form.

The name attribute indicates how to reference this component in the query arguments: q.args.<name-attr>.

You can see the API for ui.toggle or check the interactive example in Tour app.

Basic toggle

toggle-0['example'] = ui.form_card(box='1 1 2 2', items=[
ui.toggle(name='toggle', label='Toggle'),

Setting initial values

As most of the components, toggle also uses the value attribute to determine the initial component state.

toggle-1['example'] = ui.form_card(box='1 1 2 2', items=[
ui.toggle(name='toggle', label='Toggle', value=True),

Disabled toggle

Used for cases when the toggle should not be changeable yet (e.g. waiting for filling some other form elements first) or serves as read-only information.

toggle-2['example'] = ui.form_card(box='1 1 2 2', items=[
ui.toggle(name='toggle', label='Toggle', disabled=True),