Hello World! : A simple example to get you started with Wave.To-do List App : A simple multi-user To-do list application.Wizard : Create a multi-step wizard using form cards.Issue Tracker : Implement a simple issue tracker using a table to create master-detail views.Dashboard : Make a dashboard using a multitude of cards and update them live.Info / Tall : Create a tall information card displaying a title, caption, and either an icon or image.Article : Create an article card for longer texts.Info / Wide : Create a wide information card displaying a title, caption, and either an icon or image.Plot / Wide : Create a wide plot card displaying a plot with title and caption.Post card : Create a post card displaying persona, image, caption and optional buttons.Preview card : Create a preview card displaying an image with shadow overlay, title, social icons, caption, and button.Stat / Pie / Wide : Create a wide stat pie card displaying a pie chart.Tall Article Preview : Create a tall article preview card if you intend to show a little previewWide Article Preview : Create a Wide Article Preview card displaying a persona, image, title, caption, and buttons.Profile : Create a profile card to display information about a user.Stat / Small : Create a stat card displaying a single value.Stat / Large : Create a stat card displaying a primary value, an auxiliary value and a caption.Stat / Gauge / Wide : Create a wide stat card displaying a primary value, an auxiliary value and a progress gauge.Stat / Gauge / Tall : Create a tall stat card displaying a primary value, an auxiliary value and a progress gauge.Stat / Bar / Wide : Create a wide stat card displaying a primary value, an auxiliary value and a progress bar.Stat / Pie / Wide : Create a wide stat pie card displaying a pie chart.Stat / Bar / Large : Create a large captioned card displaying a primary value, an auxiliary value and a progress bar,Stat / Series / Small / Area : Create a small stat card displaying a primary value and a series plot.Stat / Series / Small / Interval : Create a small stat card displaying a primary value and a series plot.Stat / Series / Wide / Area : Create a wide stat card displaying a primary value, an auxiliary value and a series plot.Stat / Series / Wide / Interval : Create a wide stat card displaying a primary value, an auxiliary value and a series plot.Stat / Series / Tall / Area : Create a tall stat card displaying a primary value, an auxiliary value and a series plot.Stat / Series / Tall / Interval : Create a tall stat card displaying a primary value, an auxiliary value and a series plot.Stat / Table : Create a card displaying title, subtitle, and tabular data.Tall stat : Create a vertical label-value pairs collection.Layout / Position : How to adjust the position of cards on a page.Layout / Size : How to adjust the size of cards on a page.Layout / Responsive : How to create a responsive layout.Chatbot : Use this card for chatbot interactions.Chatbot / Stream : Use this card for chatbot interactions, supports text streaming.Chatbot / Events/ Stop : Use this card for chatbot interactions. Streaming can be stopped by the user.Chatbot / Events/ Scroll : Infinite scroll for previous messages.Chatbot / Events/ Feedback : Use thumbs up/down to provide feedback on the chatbot response.Chatbot / Events/ Suggestions : Use suggestions to simplify user interaction.Chatbot / Value : Use this card for chatbot interactions.Form : Use a form to collect data or show textual information.Form / Visible : Use "visible" property to control whether form element should be shown / hidden.Form / Text : Use markdown in a text component to display formatted content within a form.Form / Copyable Text : Use copyable text component to enable user quick text copy pasting.Form / Text / Sizes : Use text size variants to display formatted text using predefined font sizes.Form / Text / Alignment : Use text align to control alignment of text.Form / TextAnnotator : Use text annotator when you need to highlight text phrases.Form / Label : Use labels to give a name to a component or a group of components in a form.Form / Link : Use link to allow navigation to internal and external URLs.Form / Links : Use links to allow navigation to multiple internal and external URLs.Form / Progress : Use a progress bar to indicate completion status of an operation.Form / Progress / Updating : Update a progress bar's completion status periodically.Form / Message Bar : Use message bars to indicate relevant status information.Form / Textbox : Use a textbox to allow users to provide text inputs.Form / Textbox / Trigger : To handle live changes to a textbox, enable the `trigger` attribute.Form / Button : Use buttons to enable a user to commit a change or complete steps in a task.Form / Buttons : Use the `ui.buttons()` function to group related buttons.Form / Checkbox : Use checkboxes to switch between two mutually exclusive options.Form / Checklist : Use a checklist to group a set of related checkboxes.Form / Checklist / Inline : Use a checklist to group a set of related checkboxes.Form / Picker : Use pickers to allow users to select one or more choices, such as tags or files, from a list.Form / Picker / Selection : Pre-select choices while displaying a picker.Form / Dropdown : Use dropdowns to allow users to choose between available choices.Form / Choice Group : Use choice groups to let users select one option from two or more choices.Form / Combobox : Use comboboxes to allow users to either choose between available choices or indicate a choice by free-form editing.Form / Toggle : Use a toggle to present users with two mutually exclusive options (to turn settings on and off).Form / Spinbox : Use a spinbox to allow users to incrementally adjust a value in small steps.Form / Spinbox / Trigger : Enable the `trigger` attribute in order to handle live changes to a spinbox.Form / Slider : Use a slider to allow users to set a value within a specific range.Form / Range Slider : Use a range slider to allow users to select a value range (from, to).Form / Date Picker : Use date pickers to allow users to pick dates.Form / Date Picker / Trigger : To handle live changes to a date picker, enable the `trigger` attribute.Form / TimePicker : Use time pickers to allow users to pick times.Form / Color Picker : Use a color picker to allow a user to select a color.Form / Swatch Picker : Use a swatch picker to allow users to choose a from a specific set of colors.Form / Persona : Create an individual's persona or avatar, a visual representation of a person across products.Form / Facepile : A face pile displays a list of personas. Each circle represents a person and contains their image or initials.Form / Tabs : Use tabs within a form to navigate between two or more distinct content categories.Form / Separator : Use a separator to visually separate content into groups.Form / File Upload : Use a file upload component to allow users to upload files.Form / File Upload / Compact : Use a compact file upload component to take less form space.Form / Frame : Use a frame component in a form card to display HTML content inline.Form / Frame / Path : Use a frame component in a form card to display external web pages.Form / Template : Use a template component to render dynamic content using a HTML template.Form / Markup : Use a markup component to display formatted content using HTML.Form / Stepper : Use Stepper to show progress through numbered steps.Table / Markdown / Pandas : Display a pandas dataframe as a markdown table.Table : Use a table to display tabular data.Table / Sort : Allow sorting a table by specific columns.Table / Search : Enable searching a table across specific columns.Table / Filter : Enable filtering values for specific columns.Table / Filter / Backend : Filter table using Python.Table / Download : Allow downloading a table's data as CSV file.Table / Group by : Allow grouping a table by column values.Table / Groups : Manage data in custom groupsTable / Events / Group : Register the `group_change` event to emit Wave event when group collapses or opens.Table / Preselection / Single : Use a table as an advanced single-select. To allow single selection,Table / Preselection / Multiple : Use a table as an advanced multi-select. To allow multiple selection,Table / Events / Select : Register the `select` event to emit Wave event on each table row selection.Table / Tags : Use tags in order to emphasize a specific value. For multiple tags in a single row use `,` as a delimiter.Table / Pagination : Use a paginated table to display large (100k+ rows) tabular data.Table / Pagination / Pandas : Use a paginated table to display large (100k+ rows) tabular data using pandas dataframe.Table / Pagination / H2O-3 Dataframe : Use a paginated table to display large (100m+ rows) tabular data using a H2O-3 dataframe.Table / Pagination / Minimal : Use a table with pagination to display large (100k+ rows) tabular data.Table / Pagination / Sort : Use a table with pagination to display large (100k+ rows) tabular data and allow sorting along the way.Table / Pagination / Filter : Use a table with pagination to display large (100k+ rows) tabular data and allow filtering along the way.Table / Pagination / Search : Use a table with pagination to display large (100k+ rows) tabular data and allow searching along the way.Table / Pagination / Download : Use a table with pagination to display large (100k+ rows) tabular data and provide data download option.Table / Pagination / Groups : Use a paginated table to display large (100k+ rows) tabular data managed in custom groups.Table / Menu : Allow group of commands with context menu for each row.Table / Markdown : Creates a table with Markdown content.Table / Markdown / Overflow : Creates a table with Markdown content that overflowsTags : Display a set of tags in a row. Each tag consists of a box with text inside.Image : Use an image card to display an image by specifying its URL or a data URL in case of the base64-encoded image.Image / Popup : Display a popup with the large image after clicking on the image. It's recommended to use a smaller image for `path` and larger (higher quality) image for the `path_popup`.Form / Image Annotator : Use when you need to annotate images.Form / Image Annotator / Events / Click : Register the `click` event to emit Wave event with cursor coordinates when the image is clicked.Form / Image Annotator / Events / Tool Change : Register a `tool_change` event to emit Wave event when the drawing function is changed.Form / Audio Annotator : Use when you need to annotate audio.Inline : Create an inline (horizontal) list of components.Image / Stream : Display an image and continuously update it in real time.Frame : Use a frame card to display HTML content.Frame / Path : Use a frame card to display external web pages.Template : Use a template card to render dynamic content using a HTML template.Template / Data : Update a template card's data periodically.Markdown : Use a markdown card to display formatted content using markdown.Markdown / Table : Display a table using markdown. That's different than having a table with Markdown content.Markdown / Data : Display dynamic formatted content using markdown.Markdown / Submit / Text : Use "?" to prefix the desired q.args.key that you want to have submitted after clicking a phrase.Markdown Code Theme : Pick from more than 100 themes for your code blocks.Markup : Use a markup card to display formatted content using HTML.Nav : Use nav cards to display sidebar navigation.Toolbar : Use toolbars to provide commands that operate on the content of a page.Tab : This example demonstrates how you can observe and handle changes to the browser'sTabs / Navigation : Navigate between two or more tabs.Breadcrumbs : Breadcrumbs should be used as a navigational aid in your app or site.Header : Use a header card to display a page header.Footer : Use a footer card to display a page footer.Routing : Use `on` and `run_on` to simplify query handling by routing queries to designated functions.Routing / Predicates : Use `on` and `run_on` with predicates to handle routing with custom conditions.Routing / Hash : Use the browser's [location hash](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/Location/hash)Routing / Hash / Parameters : Use the browser's [location hash](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/Location/hash)Routing / Toolbar : This example demonstrates how you can observe and handle changes to the browser'sContext Menu : Display a context menu on a card.Form / Menu : Create a contextual menu component. Useful when you have a lot of links and want to conserve the space.Plot / Theme : Themeable plot showcase.Plot / Point : Make a scatterplot.Plot / Point / Shapes : Make a scatterplot with categories encoded as mark shapes.Plot / Point / Sizes : Make a scatterplot with mark sizes mapped to a continuous variable (a "bubble plot").Plot / Point / Map : Make a plot to compare quantities across categories. Similar to a heatmap,Plot / Point / Groups : Make a scatterplot with categories encoded as colors.Plot / Point / Annotation : Add annotations (points, lines and regions) to a plot.Plot / Point / Custom : Customize a plot's fill/stroke color, size and opacity.Plot / Interval : Make a column plot.Plot / Interval / Transpose : Make a bar plot.Plot / Interval / Groups : Make a grouped column plot.Plot / Interval / Groups / Transpose : Make a grouped bar plot.Plot / Interval / Labels : Make a column plot with labels on each bar.Plot / Interval / Range : Make a column plot with each bar representing high/low (or start/end) values.Plot / Interval / Transpose : Make a bar plot.Plot / Interval / Stacked : Make a stacked column plot.Plot / Interval / Stacked / Transpose : Make a stacked bar plot.Plot / Interval / Stacked / Grouped : Make a column plot with both stacked and grouped bars.Plot / Interval / Stacked / Grouped / Transpose : Make a bar plot with both stacked and grouped bars.Plot / Interval / Polar : Make a rose plot (a bar plot in polar coordinates).Plot / Interval / Polar / Stacked : Make a stacked rose plot (a stacked bar plot in polar coordinates).Plot / Interval / Theta : Make a "racetrack" plot (a bar plot in polar coordinates, transposed).Plot / Interval / Theta / Stacked : Make a stacked "racetrack" plot (a bar plot in polar coordinates, transposed).Plot / Interval / Helix : Make a bar plot in helical coordinates.Plot / Interval / Annotation : Add annotations to a column plot.Plot / Interval / Annotation / Transpose : Add annotations to a bar plot.Plot / Line : Make a line plot.Plot / Line / Groups : Make a multi-series line plot.Plot / Line / Smooth : Make a line plot using a smooth curve.Plot / Line / Step : Make a line plot with a step curve.Plot / Line / Step / After : Make a line plot with a step-after curve.Plot / Line / Step / Before : Make a line plot with a step-before curve.Plot / Line / Labels : Add labels to a line plot.Plot / Line / Labels / Custom : Add labels to a line plot.Plot / Line / Labels / Stroked : Customize label rendering: add a subtle outline to labels to improve readability.Plot / Line / Labels / Occlusion : Make a line plot with non-overlapping labels.Plot / Line / Annotation : Add annotations to a line plot.Plot / Path : Make a path plot.Plot / Path / Point : Make a path plot with an additional layer of points.Plot / Path / Smooth : Make a path plot with a smooth curve.Plot / Area : Make an area plot.Plot / Area / Groups : Make an area plot showing multiple categories.Plot / Area / Negative : Make an area plot showing positive and negative values.Plot / Area / Range : Make an area plot representing a range (band) of values.Plot / Area / Smooth : Make an area plot with a smooth curve.Plot / Area / Stacked : Make a stacked area plot.Plot / Area + Line : Make an area plot with an additional line layer on top.Plot / Area + Line / Smooth : Make a combined area + line plot using a smooth curve.Plot / Area + Line / Groups : Make an combined area + line plot showing multiple categories.Plot / Polygon : Make a heatmap.Plot / Histogram : Make a histogram.Plot / Schema : Make a box and whiskers plot.Plot / Schema / Transpose : Make a horizontal box and whiskers plot.Plot / Interaction / Zoom : Make a scatterplot with zoom enabled.Plot / Interaction / Brush : Make a scatterplot with brush enabled.Plot / Interaction / Drag move : Make a scatterplot with drag move enabled.Plot / Axis Titles : Display custom axis titles on a plot.Plot / Form : Display a plot inside a form.Plot / App : Make a plot from an app.Plot / Events : Handle events on a plot card.Plot / Events / Disabled : Customize for which marks on a plot card you do not wish to handle events .Plot / Events / Routing : Handle events on a plot card using routing.Plot / Pandas : Plot Pandas dataframes.Plot / Vega : Make a plot using Vega.Plot / Vega-lite : Make a plot using Vega-lite.Plot / Vega-lite / Update : Periodically update a Vega-lite plot.Plot / Vega-lite / Form : Display a Vega-lite plot inside a form card.Plot / Vega-lite / Flex : Place Vegalite plots in a flexible layout.Plot / Altair : Use Altair to create plot specifications for the Vega card.Plot / Bokeh : Use Bokeh to create plots.Plot / Bokeh / Script : Embed Bokeh components into a page using Javascript.Plot / Bokeh / Widgets : Embed Bokeh widgets with script callbacksPlot / Matplotlib : Use matplotlib to create plots. Also demonstrates how to provide live control over plots.Plot / Plotly : Use plotly to create plots. Also demonstrates how to provide live control over plots.Plot / D3.js : Create custom plots using D3.js.Pixel Art : A card that demonstrates collaborative editing in Wave.Uploads : Upload files to the Wave server.Uploads / Async : Upload files from an interactive app.Uploads / UI : Accept files from the user.Uploads / Download : Accept files from the user and downloads them locally.Uploads / Frame : To display content > 2MB in frame cards, first upload the content and then use it in a frame card.Meta / Inline Script : Execute arbitrary Javascript.Meta / Inline Script / Callback : Handle events from arbitrary JavascriptMeta / Script : Load external Javascript libraries.Meta / Script / Callback : Handle events from external Javascript libraries.Meta / Stylesheet : Load external CSS resources if needed.Meta / Inline Stylesheet : Use inline CSS to style a Wave app in case of quirks. Prefer using native Wave components if possible.Meta / Dialog : Display a dialog.Meta / Dialog / Closable : Display a dialog having a close button, and detect when it's closed.Meta / SidePanel : Display a sidePanel.Meta / SidePanel / Closable : Display a sidePanel having a close button, and detect when it's closed.Meta / Title : Set the browser window title for a page.Meta / Icon : Set the browser window icon for a page.Meta / Notification : Display a desktop notification.Meta / Notification bar : Display a notification bar notification_bar. metaMeta / Notification bar / Closable : Display a notification_bar and detect when it's closed.Meta / Refresh : Turn off live updates for static pages to conserve server resources.Meta / Redirect : Redirect the page to a new URL or hash.Meta / Theme : Change the base color theme of the app.Theme generator : Use theme generator to quickly generate custom color schemes for your app.Meta / Tracking : Track user interactions on your app's pages.Background Tasks : Use q.run() to execute functions in the background, in-process.Background Tasks / Executor : Use q.exec() to execute background functions using a thread-pool or process-pool.Background Tasks / Progress : Execute background functions while incrementing a progress bar.Site / Async : Update any page on a site from within an app using an `AsyncSite` instance.HTTP / Client : Use any http client to communicate with RESTful APIs.Checkpoint : Set the H2O_WAVE_CHECKPOINT_DIR environment variable to enable saving and reloading application and session state.Graphics / Primitives : Use the graphics module to render and update shapes.Graphics / Spline : Use the graphics module to render splines.Graphics / Clock : Use the graphics API to make a clock.Graphics / Path : Use the graphics API to draw a red square.Graphics / Turtle : Use turtle graphics to draw paths.Graphics / Hilbert : Use turtle graphics recursively to draw Hilbert curves.Graphics / Background Image : Set a background image behind your graphics.Graphics / Glider Gun : Use the graphics API to play Conway's Game of Life - Gosper's Glider GunWaveDB : How to use WaveDB, a simple sqlite3 database server that ships with Wave.WaveDB / To-do App : A multi-user To-do list application using WaveDB for data management.