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Plot / Area / Negative

Make an area plot showing positive and negative values.

from h2o_wave import site, data, ui

page = site['/demo']

page.add('example', ui.plot_card(
box='1 1 5 5',
title='Area, negative values',
data=data('year value', 20, rows=[
('1996', 322),
('1997', 324),
('1998', -329),
('1999', 342),
('2000', -348),
('2001', -334),
('2002', 325),
('2003', 316),
('2004', 318),
('2005', -330),
('2006', 355),
('2007', -366),
('2008', -337),
('2009', -352),
('2010', -377),
('2011', 383),
('2012', 344),
('2013', 366),
('2014', -389),
('2015', 334),
plot=ui.plot([ui.mark(type='area', x='=year', y='=value')])

Tags:  plot