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Graphics / Glider Gun

Use the graphics API to play Conway's Game of Life - Gosper's Glider Gun

import time
from copy import deepcopy
from h2o_wave import site, ui, graphics as g

def get_neighbors(row, col):
neighbors = [
(r, c) for r in range(row - 1, row + 2) for c in range(col - 1, col + 2)
neighbors.remove((row, col))
return neighbors

def get_num_living(grid_state, neighbors):
return sum([grid_state.get(x, 0) for x in neighbors])

def evaluate_grid(grid_state):
new_grid_state = deepcopy(grid_state)
for cell, state in grid_state.items():
neighbors = get_neighbors(*cell)
n_living = get_num_living(grid_state, neighbors)
if state == 0 and n_living == 3:
new_grid_state[cell] = 1
elif state == 1:
if not 1 < n_living < 4:
new_grid_state[cell] = 0
return new_grid_state

def get_empty_state(n_rows, n_cols):
return {(r, c): 0 for r in range(n_rows) for c in range(n_cols)}

def apply_start_state(grid_state, pattern):
for x in pattern:
grid_state[x] = 1
return grid_state

def update_grid(page, grid_state, n_rows, n_cols, background):
scene = page['game'].scene
for row in range(n_rows):
for col in range(n_cols):
if grid_state[(row, col)] == 1:
g.draw(scene[f'cell_{row}_{col}'], fill='black')
g.draw(scene[f'cell_{row}_{col}'], fill=background)

def create_grid(n_rows, n_cols, fill, width, height, stroke, stroke_width):
grid = {}
for row in range(n_rows):
for col in range(n_cols):
grid[f'cell_{row}_{col}'] = g.rect(
x=col * width,
y=row * height,
return grid

def render(pattern):
page = site['/demo']

page_cols = 4
page_rows = 5

box_width = 134
box_height = 76
gap = 15

max_width = box_width * page_cols + (page_cols - 1) * gap
max_height = box_height * page_rows + (page_rows - 1) * gap

width = 10
height = 10

grid_cols = max_width // width
grid_rows = max_height // height

background = 'whitesmoke'
stroke = 'gainsboro'
stroke_width = 1

grid = create_grid(
grid_rows, grid_cols, background, width, height, stroke, stroke_width
page['game'] = ui.graphics_card(
box=f'1 1 {page_cols} {page_rows}',
view_box=f'0 0 {max_width} {max_height}',

grid_state = get_empty_state(grid_rows, grid_cols)
update_grid(page, grid_state, grid_rows, grid_cols, background)

grid_state = apply_start_state(grid_state, pattern)

update_grid(page, grid_state, grid_rows, grid_cols, background)

while True:
new_grid_state = evaluate_grid(grid_state)
update_grid(page, new_grid_state, grid_rows, grid_cols, background)
grid_state = new_grid_state

def make_glider_gun(r, c):
return [
(r, c + 24),
(r + 1, c + 22),
(r + 1, c + 24),
(r + 2, c + 12),
(r + 2, c + 13),
(r + 2, c + 20),
(r + 2, c + 21),
(r + 2, c + 34),
(r + 2, c + 35),
(r + 3, c + 11),
(r + 3, c + 15),
(r + 3, c + 20),
(r + 3, c + 21),
(r + 3, c + 34),
(r + 3, c + 35),
(r + 4, c + 0),
(r + 4, c + 1),
(r + 4, c + 10),
(r + 4, c + 16),
(r + 4, c + 20),
(r + 4, c + 21),
(r + 5, c + 0),
(r + 5, c + 1),
(r + 5, c + 10),
(r + 5, c + 14),
(r + 5, c + 16),
(r + 5, c + 17),
(r + 5, c + 22),
(r + 5, c + 24),
(r + 6, c + 10),
(r + 6, c + 16),
(r + 6, c + 24),
(r + 7, c + 11),
(r + 7, c + 15),
(r + 8, c + 12),
(r + 8, c + 13),

render(make_glider_gun(2, 2))

Tags:  graphics