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Form / Message Bar

Use message bars to indicate relevant status information.

from h2o_wave import site, ui

page = site['/demo']

page['example'] = ui.form_card(
box='1 1 3 7',
ui.message_bar(type='blocked', text='This action is blocked.'),
ui.message_bar(type='error', text='This is an error message'),
ui.message_bar(type='warning', text='This is a warning message.'),
ui.message_bar(type='info', text='This is an information message.'),
ui.message_bar(type='success', text='This is a success message.'),
ui.message_bar(type='danger', text='This is a danger message.'),
ui.message_bar(type='success', text='This is a **MARKDOWN** _message_.'),
ui.message_bar(type='success', text='This is an <b>HTML</b> <i>message</i>.'),
ui.message_bar(type='info', text='With a button.', buttons=[ui.button(name='btn', label='Button')]),
ui.message_bar(type='info', text='With a button as link.',
buttons=[ui.button(name='btn', label='Button', link=True)]),
ui.message_bar(type='info', text='With multiline text that should hopefully span at least 2 rows',
buttons=[ui.button(name='btn', label='Button')]),

Tags:  formmessage_bar