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Plot / Point / Map

Make a plot to compare quantities across categories. Similar to a heatmap, but using size-encoding instead of color-encoding.

from h2o_wave import site, data, ui

page = site['/demo']

page.add('example', ui.plot_card(
box='1 1 4 5',
title='Points, size-encoded',
data=data('year person sales', 10, rows=[
('2021', 'Joe', 10),
('2022', 'Jane', 58),
('2023', 'Ann', 114),
('2021', 'Tim', 31),
('2023', 'Joe', 96),
('2021', 'Jane', 55),
('2023', 'Jane', 5),
('2022', 'Tim', 85),
('2023', 'Tim', 132),
('2022', 'Joe', 54),
('2021', 'Ann', 78),
('2022', 'Ann', 18),
plot=ui.plot([ui.mark(type='point', x='=person', y='=year', size='=sales', shape='circle')])

Tags:  mapplot