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Plot / Interval / Range

Make a column plot with each bar representing high/low (or start/end) values. Transposing this produces a gantt plot.

from h2o_wave import site, data, ui

page = site['/demo']

page.add('example', ui.plot_card(
box='1 1 4 5',
title='Interval, range',
data=data('profession max min', 5, rows=[
('medicine', 110000, 23000),
('fire fighting', 120000, 18000),
('pedagogy', 125000, 24000),
('psychology', 130000, 22500),
('computer science', 151000, 36000),
plot=ui.plot([ui.mark(type='interval', x='=profession', y0='=min', y='=max')])

Tags:  intervalplotrange